以拉邦動作分析(Laban Movement Analysis)的理論基礎為研究依據,分析自身創作之舞蹈作品,以2019年創作的雙人舞短篇為例。利用BESS的專業知識理論,將舞作分析解構,從Body ,Effort, Shape, Space四個大的面向,並且寫成Motif 以及Effort Phrasing來做一個全面的綜合分析。希望以此創作之雙人舞短篇作品,找出自身在動作選擇的慣性,以及過去學習背景的影響,與了解兩位舞者身體使用的不同。
Utilize “LMA Eye” Reexamine My Choreography Duet Performed in 2019
This project applies Laban Movement Analysis to examine a short piece of my choreography duet which did in 2019 to observe my personal movement preference, and reexamine by BESS analysis and knowledge. Utilize Motif symbols and Effort Phrasing to analyse and reexamine the details of the duet dance. The purpose of choosing a duet dance to write in project is according to my dance background of Ballroom dance, which would be clear to find the habitual way of chosen movement; and also to compare the difference between two dancers in video of their way of dancing. The application of Motif writing and Labanalysis will further enhance my ability as an analyst to widen my vision and improve in choreography.
高雄鳳山人,自由舞蹈工作者,編舞、教舞也跳舞。國立台北藝術大學舞蹈系研究所舞蹈編創,現為國際標準舞中級合格裁判教練。中華藝術學校舞蹈科教師、薪傳兒童舞團教師、南非南華寺天龍隊短期培訓教師,擁有DNBI 拉邦舞譜局Labanotation的國際認證資格,現正修習拉邦動作分析師證照。