主題撰寫(Motif Writing)是由拉邦舞譜衍生出來的符號系統,不同於拉邦舞譜記錄下所有的動作細節,主題符號標示出動作的大綱以及動機,提供讀者自由選擇肢體部位詮釋符號,這樣的方式使得主題符號成為動作探索的絕佳工具。筆者從事舞蹈教學二十幾年,隨著筆者在不同職場的移動,主題撰寫創意教學也隨著筆者進入不同的校園,回溯過去的教學經驗,從一開始的摸索到今日的熟悉,教學對象也從專業舞者、視障學生、師資培育的學生教師到樂齡族群,本文旨在分享主題撰寫之教學經驗,著重於教學內容於不同教學對象下的轉化,敘說主題撰寫於創意教學的台灣經驗。
The Integration of Motif Writing with Creative Teaching: Taiwan’s Experiences
Motif Writing is a movement notation evolving from Labanotation. Labanotation, invented by Rudolf von Laban, is a system of recording the movement in detail, applying different columns to record the movement of each body part. Unlike Labanotation, Motif Writing gives readers more freedom to interpret the movements; its symbols depict the outline and motivation of the movement. As for its creative characteristic, many teachers apply/integrate creative teaching. As a teacher, I have taught Labanotation and Motif Writing for more than 20 years. I am fortunate to have taught at various universities, so this paper will focus on the tracing footsteps and growth of Motif Writing in Taiwan’s colleges. The main purpose of this paper is to share and reflect on my own experiences teaching Motif Writing. Through the reflection, I came to realize how I grew as a teacher while encountering diverse groups of students and how I transformed the teaching material into bodily practice.
Keywords: Motif Writing, Creative Teaching
講者:曾瑞媛 教授
重要經歷:擔任美國紐約舞譜局「初、中級舞譜教師」、「舞譜教師培訓」課程之授課及認證教師,獲文建會基金會優秀人才獎助赴美進修, 2011年曾代表臺北市團隊成功獲得2017世界大學運動會主辦權,2008-2013擔任臺北市立體育學院舞蹈學系主任,2013-2014臺北市立大學舞蹈學系舞蹈學系主任。研究領域為:拉邦動作理論系統之研究與課程開發,目前研究的方向為樂齡舞蹈的設計與運用。重要舞譜重建作品有Doris Humphrey之Water Study,Hanya Holm 以及Victoria Uris 之 Sea Dreams等作品。
Ra-Yuan Tseng began her dance training when she attended National Taiwan Academy of Arts. She received her B.F.A. in dance from Chinese Culture University. In 1992,she received her M.A. from Ohio State University where she acquired her Labanotation training and became a certified Labanotation teacher. Her research interests is applied Laban Study to a variety of age groups and also applied for the children with special needs.
She served as the chair of Taiwan Dance Research Society from 2008-2012. Now she is a professor teaching at Taipei National University of the Arts where she teaches Motif Writing,Elementary Labanotaton and Creative Dance.