Key Action-A Case Study of the Application of Dancing Prescription Mode to the Transformation of Melancholy Emotions in the Elderly with Dementia
Movement is our inner impulse and outward manifestation, and it is the release of a physiological connection. Due to the dementia patients, their brain is degenerated, their physical characteristics are stiff, and their movements are less flexible and coordinated due to repeated inertial movements. The ability to use the body as an element to activate physical vitality from functional actions, and to inject new social experiences into musical situations and social interactions, to promote emotional expression and communication.
This study uses a case study method to summarize and analyze the experience of the demented person accompanying the caregiver, participating in the group of 20 dance prescription, and seeing the transformation between the body and the emotion of the members through the perspective of the collaborative leader.
The study will use the Cornell Dementia Depression Scale and the Elderly Depression Scale as assessments to analyze the ability of members to switch from the situation of illness through the group. The inverted state of anxiety and depression melts into the beauty of dance, which can be strengthened in the action The connection between the bodies finds the strength to settle oneself from the moment.
Keywords: dance, depression, body, dementia
講者:詹雅菁 洪瑩慧
國立暨南國際大學 諮商與輔導博士
臺北市立大學 舞蹈教育碩士(主修舞蹈科學)
現任臺北市立大學人文藝術學院 舞蹈學系 專任助理教授
曾任衛生福利部草屯療養院 專任職能治療員(14 年)
Ya-Ching Chan
Postgraduate in Dance Department of University of Taipei. I used to be a social worker in Taichung Women’s Center for 8 years. I had the opportunity to learn dance narrative therapy. I met many different people and life stories. I saw them express themselves more freely and energeticly from the rhythm of the body.It also made me re-understand the possibilities of getting along with others, and hope to become a practitioner.
Yin-Hui Hong, Ph.D., MA
● Assistant Professor in the Department of Dance at University of Taipei, Taiwan
● 14 years working experience as full time occupational therapist/ dance therapist at Tasu Tun Psychiatric Center, Ministry of Health and welfare, Nantou, Taiwan
● Doctorate in Guidance and Counseling; MA in Dance Education